
How to deploy smart contracts on Ethereum using Hardhat

Hardhat is a Ethereum development environment that makes it easier to write and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum. It’s like an IDE for smart contracts.

How to deploy a smart contract to Ethereum using Hardhat

  1. Install Hardhat:

First, you need to install Hardhat on your computer. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g @nomiclabs/hardhat

Or use yarn yarn add @nomiclabs/hardhat

  1. Create a project directory:

Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it in your terminal. Then, run the following command to initialize a Hardhat project:

hardhat init 
  1. Write your smart contract:

Write your smart contract using Solidity and save it in the “contracts” folder of your project directory.

  1. Compile the smart contract: Run the following command to compile your smart contract:
hardhat compile 

This will generate a JSON file containing all the information about your compiled smart contract, such as its ABI and bytecode.

  1. Deploy the smart contract:

To deploy the smart contract, you need to use Hardhat’s deploy function. This function takes two arguments – an object containing deployment parameters and a callback function that will be called when the deployment is complete. The deployment parameters object should contain at least two properties – “bytecode” and “arguments” – which should be set to the bytecode of your compiled smart contract and an array of arguments for its constructor respectively. For example, if you wanted to deploy a simple ERC20 token with an initial supply of 100 tokens, you could use the following code:

 const token = await ethers.ContractFactory(TokenABI).deploy(100);

Once you have written this code, run it using Hardhat’s run command:

 hardhat run <your-script-name>.js

This will deploy your smart contract to Ethereum!